JCL TEAM UKYOは、ジャパンサイクルリーグ(通称:JCL)の立ち上げ当初からの理念である「日本国籍のチームとして史上初めてツール・ド・フランスに出場し、表彰台に登ること」を目標として、2023年 JCLチェアマン片山右京により発足したチームです。
JCL TEAM UKYO へのご声援よろしくお願いします。


We would like to express our deep appreciation for the understanding and cooperation of the Kumano community in hosting this year’s event. We are looking forward to racing in the great course surrounded by nature and to participating in the newly established Kozagawa International Road Race.
JCL TEAM UKYO was established by JCL chairman, Ukyo Katayama in 2023 with the goal of becoming the first Japanese national team ever to compete in the Tour de France and reach the podium. In 2024, we are going to challenge the world with racing activities in Europe in mind. Through the activities, we hope to produce world-class athletes and contribute to the improvement of domestic competitiveness as well.
We truly thank you for your support.